About Us

We Are The Premier Personal Safety Training

United Safety Training Systems is a leading provider of safety training programs and workshops. We specialize in offering training to corporations and institutions such as hospitals, schools, churches, and law enforcement. Our unique approach utilizes cutting-edge technology to teach participants how to recognize and manage their personal safety. Our goal is to simplify complex subjects and make it easy for our clients to understand and retain important information. We have a reputation for delivering fast and effective results, which is why many of our clients have seen significant improvement in their skills and knowledge in a short period of time. 

It is important to understand if your training is, how to respond or how to de-escalate, then your training infers you have experienced the event. If you have experienced the event then there will be trauma, emotional, physical and financial. United Safety Training Systems courses and systems prevents trauma caused by workplace; abuse, harassment, bullying, sexual assault as well as preventing an active shooter event from occurring. To prevent violence you need a system that can identify a perpetrator and respond well before a violent act occurs. We are the only company that can offer you that level of prevention.

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