Human Resource Suite of Workshops

Human Resource: Employee training library

By Popular Demand    

  • We have encountered many companies who have seen tremendous growth and are now in the 75 to 150 employee range who quite frankly have not been able to keep up with their Human Resource needs. In an effort to be of service we now offer a complete suite of training resources available to organizations who might be struggling in the area of employee training. We offer access to a full list of topics that can be offered to the company employee online, or onsite. We can provide: 
  • Training Manuals and Instructors guide
  • PowerPoint slides and flip chart notes 
  • Workshop activities and exercises for every course.

 We can offer these courses individually for $450 / Or enjoy the complete suite of training topics $2490.

Course Include:

Administrative Skills Courses

  1. Accountability in the Workplace
  2. Administrative Office Procedures
  3. Administrative Support
  4. Archiving and Records Management
  5. Basic Bookkeeping
  6. Business Writing
  7. Collaborative Business Writing
  8. Executive and Personal Assistant
  9. Meeting Management
  10. Organizational Skills
  11. Social Media in the Workplace
  12. Supply Chain Management

Career Development Courses

  1. 10 Soft Skills You Need
  2. Building Confidence and Assertiveness
  3. Communication Strategies
  4. Creative Problem Solving
  5. Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box
  6. Developing Creativity
  7. Digital Citizenship
  8. Entrepreneurship
  9. Interpersonal Skills
  10. mLearning Essentials
  11. Negotiation Skills
  12. Personal Branding
  13. Project Management
  14. Telework And Telecommuting
  15. The Cloud and Business
  16. Time Management
  17. Women in Leadership

Human Resources Courses

  1. Business Succession Planning
  2. Contract Management
  3. Crisis Management
  4. Developing a Lunch and Learn
  5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  6. Employee Onboarding
  7. Employee Recruitment
  8. Employee Termination Processes
  9. Generation Gaps
  10. Health and Wellness at Work
  11. Hiring Strategies
  12. Human Resource Management
  13. Managing Workplace Harassment
  14. Measuring Results From Training
  15. Millennial Onboarding
  16. Office Health and Safety
  17. Sensitivity Training
  18. Talent Management
  19. Train-The-Trainer
  20. Unconscious Bias
  21. Universal Safety Practices
  22. Workplace Bullying
  23. Workplace Harassment
  24. Workplace Violence

Personal Development Courses

  1. Adult Learning - Mental Skills
  2. Adult Learning - Physical Skills
  3. Anger Management
  4. Attention Management
  5. Being A Likeable Boss
  6. Critical Thinking
  7. Developing Emotional Intelligence
  8. Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
  9. Improving Mindfulness
  10. Improving Self-Awareness
  11. Increasing Your Happiness
  12. Job Search Skills
  13. Life Coaching Essentials
  14. Managing Personal Finances
  15. Managing Workplace Anxiety
  16. Personal Productivity
  17. Public Speaking
  18. Social Intelligence
  19. Social Learning
  20. Stress Management
  21. Taking Initiative
  22. Trust Building and Resilience
  23. Work-Life Balance

Supervisors and Managers Courses

  1. Budgets And Financial Reports
  2. Coaching And Mentoring
  3. Conducting Annual Employee Reviews
  4. Developing New Managers
  5. Employee Motivation
  6. Facilitation Skills
  7. Knowledge Management
  8. Leadership And Influence
  9. Lean Process And Six Sigma
  10. Manager Management
  11. Middle Manager
  12. Office Politics For Managers
  13. Performance Management
  14. Self-Leadership
  15. Supervising Others
  16. Team Building Through Chemistry
  17. Virtual Team Building And Management

Workplace Essentials Courses

  1. Appreciative Inquiry
  2. Business Acumen
  3. Business Ethics
  4. Business Etiquette
  5. Change Management
  6. Civility In The Workplace
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Customer Service
  9. Customer Support
  10. Cyber Security
  11. Delivering Constructive Criticism
  12. Developing Corporate Behavior
  13. Handling a Difficult Customer
  14. Networking Outside the Company
  15. Networking Within the Company
  16. Respect in the Workplace
  17. Responsibility in the Workplace
  18. Risk Assessment and Management
  19. Safety In The Workplace
  20. Team Building For Managers
  21. Teamwork And Team Building

114 course package

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